Medals Awarded at the 2021 Cremona Triennale Violin Making Competition
Kazune Nemoto and Guido Mariotto received gold for their cello and bass, respectively
The 16th Concorso Triennale Internazionale di Liuteria Antonio Stradivari announced its category winners this week. Located in Cremona, Italy, the competition had a total of 280 instruments and 198 makers participate.
The jury was comprised of luthiers Ulrike Dederer, Carlo Chiesa, Joseph Grubaugh, Simeone Morassi, and Yuri Pochekin — plus violinists Dan Zhu and Edoardo Zosi, violist Diemut Poppen, cellist Henri Demarquette, and bassist Francesco Siragusa.
The awards were as follows:
Kazune Nemoto, cello
Guido Mariotto, double bass
Piotr Pielaszek, violin
Emilio Kusi Crabbé, viola
Alessandro Peiretti, cello
Gabriele Pralea, bass
Marcello Bellei, violin
Noémie Viaud, viola
Marcin Krupa, cello
Hayato Nagaishi, cello
Special awards went to the following:
Simone Fernando Sacconi Award: Piotr Pielaszek, violin
Walter Stauffer Award: Guido Mariotto, double bass
Pierangelo Balzarini Prize: Hayato Nagaishi, cello
ALI Award: Akira Takahashi, violin
Cremona Mondomusica Award: Kazune Nemoto, cello and Guido Mariotto, double bass
Cologni Foundation Award: Kazune Nemoto, cello
Giorgio Cè Award: Kang Soo Kyung, violin
Piero Ferraroni Award: Im Dong Pil, cello
Polish Union of Violin Makers Award: Marcello Bellei, violin
Honorable mentions in violin went to Marianne Jost, Fabienne Gauchet, Adele Sbernini, and Marcelo Cavanna. Honorable mentions in viola went to Piotr Pielaszek, Philippe Mahu, and Maro Osio. Honorable mentions in cello went to Sebastian Ribes and Im Dong Pil.
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